Saturday, December 1, 2001

Vol1, Issue12


 Volume 1, Issue 12 - December 2001

2001...It’s A Wrap…

By Vinny Distefano

Wow. Another year in the can. I mentioned last month, we have made many contacts on the internet. I would like to end this year with a directory of all that we have found useful. I hope some of these links can be helpful to others. Before I get started, let me say have a Happy and Safe New Year to everyone. Some of the links listed thru out the year in this newsletter, have stopped working. The links below have been tested as of Dec 2001 and are OK.
Hyperbarics at Complete Wellness Medical Center - These are exciting times for The Complete Wellness Medical and Hyperbaric Center of Winter Park. We are proud to introduce the area's first Hyperbaric Center for Alternative Medical treatment, one of approximately 24 centers throughout the United States.
Ocean Hyperbaric Center - The Ocean Hyperbaric Center is believed to be the original center specializing in the neurological applications of hyperbaric oxygenation and the potentially recoverable brain.

H B O T Online - This site is designed to give both the expert and the lay person a clearinghouse of information for the benefits and applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Head and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Resources from FINR - The Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilitation, Inc. (FINR) is dedicated to excellence in the provision of rehabilitation, education and vocational services to both children and adult survivors of brain injury.

Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide - The purpose of all rehabilitation programs at the Centre for Neuro Skills is to reduce disabilities, maximize independence, and achieve the maximum possible quality of life for clients who have suffered brain injury within the client's existing financial constraints.

Rancho Los Amigos Coma Scale - The Rancho Levels, as they are called, are an assessment tool or scale that does not require cooperation from the patient. Rather; they are based on observation of the patient as he responds to environmental stimuli.

Glasgow Coma Scale - Physicians and other health care professionals frequently use the Glasgow Coma Scale; to evaluate the patient's level of awareness, which indirectly indicates the extent of a patient's Neurologic injury

Traumatic Brain Injury - Common Vision Problems from Stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain Injury Guide - The Brain Injury Guide evolved after my own brain injury and cognitive rehab at Mesa College in San Diego, Ca.

Jason Sykes - I am the child who cannot talk. You often pity me. I see it in your eyes

Mandy Bradshaw - Mandy Bradshaw is an amazing young woman who has touched many people's lives. She was severely injured in an automobile accident in August 1999 and continues to touch many people even now as they minister to her. Please pray for her complete recovery. . .

CRA - Contact Reflex Analysis and Designed Clinical Nutrition - Contact Reflex Analysis is a simple, safe, natural method of analyzing the body's structural, physical, and nutritional needs.

Hospital Santa Monica - In the past 17 years, we have treated over 15,000 patients with an alternative, holistic approach for cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, candidiasis and other chronic degenerative diseases…

Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center - Rancho Los Amigos has been one of America’s rehabilitation leaders for more than half a century.

Recovery Awareness Foundation – Surviving Brain Injury

Welcome to Jodi House - Jodi House is a nonprofit corporation established to provide services to brain injured adults.

Brain Injury Association of Florida - The mission of this Association is to improve the quality of life for persons with brain injury and their families by creating a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education, support services, and advocacy.

MUMS National Parent to Parent Network - MUMS is a national Parent-to-Parent organization for parents or care providers of a child with any disability, rare or not so rare disorder, chromosomal abnormality or health condition.

Quackwatch Home Page - Your Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions

Coma Recovery Association - We are a not-for-profit organization for coma and brain injury survivors, family members, friends and professionals.

Brain Injury Association USA Home Page - The mission of the Brain Injury Association is to create a better future
through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy.

Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society - The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) is the primary source of information for diving and hyperbaric medicine physiology worldwide. 

EurekAlert! – The premiere Web site for science news since 1996.

HealthAnswers - has a new look with more health info than ever! Visit our Library for our Encyclopedia and Drug Finder. Click on News for what's current. Or try Health Topics for articles, videos, and more.

The Trauma - What is Brain Injury - The most widely accepted concept of brain injury divides the process into primary and secondary events.

Never Give Up – It was December 6, 1990. I had sustained a severe brain injury in a car accident, leaving me in a coma. Over the next 3 months, I gradually emerged from that coma into a strange world that was very different from what I had known before.

Florida Dept. of Health – Health and Human Services

The National Academy for Child Development (NACD) – The National Academy for Child Development, is an international organization of parents and professionals dedicated to helping children and adults reach their full potential. - Links

Coma Recovery Association, Inc - To provide information and referral to families and survivors of coma and head injury, so that they can make informed choices regarding treatment, rehabilitation and socialization alternatives.

Medscape – Medical links

As we continue into 2002, we will update this list. If anyone comes across a link we should add, please e-mail it to us and it will be included in the future. To the Hobbs family, all my love and continued support and prayers. To Angie, I love you, Sweetie. One day we will be working together again as we build this site and foundation to help you and others.
Till next Year, be safe…

 Visit “Angie” and “…For Angela” at and click on details “To Help Angela”. And send your comments and suggestions to: They are always welcome. Pass it on and tell a friend to stop by. Thanx

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